Monthly Archives: July 2012

Hungry bees

As the summer has finally arrived – well, all the summer that we expect to get – the bees are active and busy making honey.  During our visit to the hive on Connaught House on the 30th of July we saw that they had completely emptied the sugar water, so it needed a top up.

Bees are often fed sugar water (at a ratio of 1kg of sugar to 2L of water) when there isn’t much available for them to eat naturally.  In the case of the UK, those periods are in the early spring before the spring flowers have bloomed, and (normally) in the June period, in the gap between the spring and summer flower yields.  You can read more about feeding bees here.  However, because our summer hasn’t been the best, it seems likely that the bees are drawing on the sugar water more than they would during an abundant summer.

Opening the hive today we could see that the sugar water container was filthy, so after giving it a quick clean we refilled it with the new solution.  We also added a ‘trail’ of sugar water so the bees knew that it had been refilled.

One of the bees got caught up in one of the suits – luckily it was found before it was folded up and put away!  It was safely rescued and put back onto the new lavender bush up on the roof.  No-one has been stung yet – and we’re trying to keep it that way!

The sun finally comes to London!

After a solid few months of rain, the sun has finally arrived in London and the bees are definitely a lot happier for it. Check out that blue sky!


Responsibility for the maintenance of the hive on the top of Connaught House is being transferred over to the LSE team after some excellent training from our apiarist Luke – today the whole operation was supervised by the team from Estates led by Danny.

Opening up the hive:


Giving the bees some more food:


Smoking the hive before checking on the bees:


A pretty healthy looking hive:


Putting everything back in place:


Making sure there aren’t too many more varroa mites after last week’s treatment:


Hopefully this week of warm weather will encourage the bees to multiply, as well as providing them with a lot more food out and about in the city.